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Sramek BioDynamics, Inc., follows and expands the medical advancements of TEB (Thoracic Electrical Bioimpedance) Technology for noninvasive measurement of blood flow (Cardiac Output, CO). TEB was developed by BoMed Medical Manufacturing Ltd., a company founded by Dr. B. Bo Sramek in 1980 and listed on NASDAQ in 1983 as BOMD.

The leading TEB product of BoMed MM Ltd. was NCCOM3 (Noninvasive Continuous Cardiac Output Monitor), confirmed in 1985 by more than 50 clinical studies to be a legitimate noninvasive counterpart to the invasive measurement of CO. In 1986 NASA invited Dr. Sramek to become the Principal Investigator in its SBIR Program to use TEB for continuous assessment of Ejection Fraction, EF.

In 1994, Dr. Sramek left BoMed MM Ltd., which was subsequently renamed as CardioDynamics International Corporation (NASDAQ-CDIC), the technology of NCCOM3 was repackaged and renamed as BioZ.

After he left CDIC, Dr. Sramek shifted his interest into cardiovascular physiology. He was appointed Visiting Professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1995. In addition to his TEB expertise, he discovered a major breakthrough in hemodynamics, which defines the bi-directional relationship between the hemodynamic causes and consequences.

Using this knowledge, he developed and patented the revolutionary hemodynamic and oxygen transport management methodology and combined the new, patented, ultra-low measurement current TEB technology and hemodynamic management methodology into the PC-based HOTMAN System (Hemodynamic and Oxygen Transport Management System ). Both the new TEB technology and the HOTMAN System obtained the FDA 510(k) marketing approvals in 1996. HOTMAN System received the CE Mark in 2007 and 2008. The wireless version of the TEB technology received the FDA 510(k) approval in 2014.

In 2018, Toney KM Lam, as the leading investor, acquired all IPs related to TEB technology and hemodynamic management methodology, and partnered with Dr. Sramek to form Sramek BioDynamics Inc. The focus of the Company is to develop smart medical devices and systems for modern healthcare applications.

Sramek Biodynamics lost an innovative leader who put endless efforts in exploring new technologies in Cardiology, and enhanced people’s lives.

Bo Sramek

1934 - 2019

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To honor Bo’s contribution and legacy in inventing TEB, Lam named the Company as “Sramek BioDynamics Inc.” by using his family name.

Toney Lam

Group CEO

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Unique smart home healthcare technology that detects and analyzes multiple factors, learns from your data and provide you with remarkable outcomes....

Alex Wong

Executive Director || US Operation

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Innovation is what we always focus on...Using the best techologies to deliver the best healthcare solutions. The adaptation of IOT is the key....

Jonathan Chee

Non-Executive Director

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The medical device industry is moving at a terrific pace. Now, we want to build idea to reality - but faster, better and IOT, ICT related.....

Adva Wong

IT Head || CN Operation

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The trend is clear. Digitize everything and collect data. Sramek has embarked a major milestone in the digital transformation roadmap with world leading manufacturing network.

Miloslav Ponkrac

Chief Technology Officer || US Operation

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The advisory committee is responsible for overseeing the operation and monitoring research development. It also oversees regulatory compliance and the company’s ethical code.

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